jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012


                          HISTORY  OF OUR INSTITUTION                

due to the need ofcreate  new spaces to the education girardotana, in the year of 1962 is buy to the municipality a  
lot of ground in the point called '' the chimbimbo'' (current location of  the institution) to the
Ana Botero widow of mejia, with the destination to the location published to a school of girls that is build with money of aliance to the process ( suport of states together to the countries of america ).

by medium of  the ordinance.
no. 23 of December 26 of 1962 was created to Girardota the school urban of girls. the first director of the institution was Reverend mother maria josefina,
the assembly departmental with the ordinances 23 and 28 of 1962 of creation of schools, you gives the name of school urban of girls Colombia to our institution. the  new plant physical entered in service on February of 1964


In the municipality of Girardota  the 20 of

 January of 1951 present the Sr. Director, Tijuana

 of the passion and other 

teachers selected 

Sister wake, lucrecia of 

jesus and lucia arango, 

is he principle to the 

enrollment corresponding  

to the first  years.

Marched verys low to the 

Initially, but after was 

increasing progressively to 

overcome the 

enrollment of year past.

Work has started the day February 06 according 

to the provisions of the directorate for public 

education with a staff of 244 students classified 

as well:

 first year: 69

 second year: 111

third year: 41

 fourth year: 23.

As the second year was very large one, they 

gave notice to the directorate for public 

education, in order that he will appoint another 

teacher to divide the second year as by the time 

it was impossible the appointment as a creation,

 according to the manifeso the lord deputy 

director of public education for then was divided 

the degree in two 2A and 2B taking charge of the

 latter, the superior of the establishment is 

toward the appointment. The other sections 

were in charge of the following teachers.

1° lucia arango

2° hna juana de la passion (directora)

3° hna Lucrecia de jesus

4° hna estela

The staff has been increasing at present, there 

are in: 

1° 75 pupils 

2° 115 students 

3° 44 pupils 

4° 47 students 

the day March 07 he went to Santo Domingo, the 

director in order to attend an assembly of

 directors of the area #12, chaired by Mr Pedro

 Nel Mejia visitor in the euro area. In day march 

30 came the appointment for Hna Cecilia 

Mercedes, who will be responsible for the 

second year, taking possession the day April 01.

The day JUNE 05,the director of public education Joaquín Pérez Villa, honored with your visit official establishments of the municipality of Girardota. the November 17, 1951 at 9 am, and with the assistance of the Reverend Fathers Francisco Sierra and Javier Piedrahita and all the father of a family is carried out the closing ceremony of the homework.

                      COLOMBIA PREMIERES COLLEGE:             

in 90% of its construction is the new Sportarena 

on your Colombia for your comfort and ability, 

will be the most complete of its educational 

community girardotena: as the Phoenix college 

colombia Girardota resurfaced between the 

senizas. its old and rickety structure was 

demolished to lift into place a modern 

educational complex that it will be a model in 

the north of the Valle de Aburra.

Starting next month, close to a thousand 

students pass their chairs of the college o

f our Lady of the presentation to the new center 

of hope that will house the students from the 

preschool levels until the ninth grade according 

to informed the Secretary of Public hours, Sergio

Montoya, its reconstruction was begun in 

December of 1977 and made part of a contract 

with the college shared Emiliano Garcia.

Both projects were executed by the signature union and temporary constructions with an investment of $1,200 million, and the time was co-financed through a world bank Findeter and the municipality, as evidenced by the building is divided into two floors that will host the rectory, you room, salon of playful and preschool, a fourth laboratory systems for an auditorium and 22 classrooms.

MORE THAN A LUXURY: for Angela Maria Colorado prosecutor of the parents' association of parents of the school is work, rather than a luxury was something necessary, the College shall enter to fill the expectations pedagogical of our children because it will improve the contour for learning and recreation with the consequential benefits for the mental health of the students noted that study there will become a pleasure for the students of the basic primary and secondary.
For his part, the secretary of education Evelio Cadavid, said that with this new plant physics students and teachers will have more space and resources to strengthen the quality of public education, as well as announced that medium-term their classrooms will be available for advance agreements with public and private universities in order to articulate a comprehensive plan for higher education in the village.
AT THE FOREFRONT: while the school Colombia occupies third place in student population, after Emiliano Garcia and the Manuel Jose sierra, its structural design makes it the first to offer spaces chords to the educational needs of the time. With its inauguration, concludes the official " the educational community of Girardota is projected at the time corresponding to the challenge of being a village leader in the education of the municipality of the Norte del Valle de Aburrá.
A leadership that is reflected in ten high schools, and thirty-five schools and a coverage already reaches 98%.

                               THE SHIELD IN THE OLD                                  

is formed by three concentric circles mean the 

union and order that should reian in every one of

 the estates of mankind colombia. collede 

education, students, teachers. and parents.                  

also the colors represent 
the Colombian flag, because
the name of our school.
at the top of the outer circle
is the name of the school 
and the bottom the motto or
principle of science'' 
instiucion, joy and respect.''
in the center of the shield 
are an owl, symbol of wisdom, 
this subject a 
book which demonstrates the importance in the 

acquisition of knowledge.


1 colors and their meanings together. blue color 

symbolizes the Virgin Mary in santiima 

invocation of the'' Maria'' that girl with motherly 

mantle protects the destinies of educational 


2 Flag of Colombia in gold band: nmbre 

symbolizes our PASIS, whose patriotic symbol s 

took the name for the new urban school girls on 

December 12, 1963.


the uniform is a set of clothes that generate 

identity and belonging to the institution, besides 

that unify students, avoiding type marked 

socioeconomic differences.

Colombia's educational INSTITUTION uniform

 sigueintes Devera used under the parameters:

A: dierio uniform for girls and 

adolescents: this 

will consist of a simple white 

camiza mangacorta

 that will be used below yomber plaid, fitted at 

the waist and ahsta middle of the knee, lateral 

sawing izqueirdo cn and belt lmisma cloth, metal

 Hevilla platada. stockings will be dark blue

 knee-tie and shoes black.

B: daily uniform for children and adolescents: 

this will consist of a simple white shirt short 

sleeves that anger in a dark blue pants

 gaberdina, secured with black leather strap, the

 means of coordination and undecorated dark 

blue shoes to tie in black.

C: The physical education uniform: this consist 

Deuna neck white shirt with buttons, sash at the

 waist and take the shield of the institution to 

the upper left side. marked dark blue sweatshirt

 with the name of the institution to the upper 

side izquierdo.las white stockings without any 

kind of decoration and completely white tennis in

 fabric or leather.

D: uniforms for children in kindergarten: be the 

same uniform daily physical education of the

 other children and girls of the institution, only 

accompanied by a blue checked apron and a 

white V-neck (camicero) and with white botenes 

part of adeante.

E: graduation uniform: all are associated with the

 uniform uqe utilicepara the graduation ceremony

 will be the dress uniform with long sleeve shirt



after northern mountains 


Goria for the people and God     

an icon representing national         

excellence, peace and education              


Maria is the mother josefina which provides support and

Don Rogelio and Liliana Quintero left us this possession


Colombia as I was called to give tribute to this nation 

because I adore my country queridayo with all passion      .


educational institution Colombia

country do after your classroom

to honor your students name you

You formed my values       

are science, joy and respect the values ​​of ue 

inspiracionq   forever remain atop all of our great 


Oh sweet girl Maria      

you offer us your love and ringtone

to young children         

We bearings to be the best

compiled a thousand memories            

your story of greatness                   

Your harvest is made           

you have written your letter indelible legacy in culture 

and      learning.      


a badge is a symbol of hoor of an institution, in this case the shield of the educational institution Colombia.


the coat of arms, is of French style.
his field has divisiion into unequal parts: a half-game and a ported, forming three quarters two at the top and at the infeior.


in the upper right quarter (upper left side of the viewer): the boss of gules (red), symbol of courage and strength, the emplena of the alliance for the process in azure (blue), gold and vert (green) , outlined in silver, a program launched in 1961 towards the nations of Americas as a cooperative effort designed exclusively to accelerate economic development, social and political development of the participating countries of Latin America.

cuartellos symbolizes the first steps taken for the foundation of urban school children in 1962

in the upper quarter loss (upper right side of the viewer), in a field azure (blue), simblo of justice, loyalty and piety, by piece band Colombia flag embroidered with gold, which took the name for the new urban school girls in 1963.

in the bottom, the field of oroq eu symbolizes noblezza and cultivation of belles-lettres, a book Cerrado de sable (black). the book more than symbolize science and wisdom is the symbol of the universe: the universe is a'' book'' inmenzo, intone if the universe is a book, is because the book is the revelation.

when closed means the virgin material that keeps its secrets, the student should be open tarto to find and apprehend its content.

the owl on the other hand, symbolizes science. in Greece this bird very soon became the main attribute of Minerva, to show that, as the owl is clearly in the darkness, the goddess of the sciences resplandese in the darkness of ignorance.

the coat of arms is generally a border piece of blue, symbolizing the santicima virh ¿maria gene in its invocation of'' the girl maria'' who with his maternal mantle protects the destinies of the institution. on 11 fulgen bordure silver lilies, a symbol of 11 degrees for which students must pass the Colombia of the educational institution to achieve the title of bachelor.


the shield is at the top a golden banner with the motto'''' COLOMBIA EDUCATIONAL INSTTUCION in letters sable (black), name at the bottom institucon another golden banner with the motto'' SCIENCE, JOY , RESPECT'' in the words of black sable, the motto of the institution.

we are in school from kindergarten Colombia when we feel very nervous about being our first day of 
school, but at last the day and we had more than five 
friends done and we feared that students were bigger than us.

The second day everything was better because we felt more secure and less nervous because we knew the mayoriade our partners.

  the third day and we felt like home, and then years passed where every year it was harder for us, where we grew up and started to consolidate.

learned have many good things in our institution by teachers who were the ones who gave us a good example and a good education.
thanks to our teachers of the educational institution Colombia we want our school aprendidao like our second home and caring and respect rayandolo, colaborandole so with a good atmosphere. where we learned many good things here and now venos Lacking a year since our graduation as long as expected ...


because it has the three colors of Colombia and represents our department of Antioquia to so honor him with his duties qualities and values ​​during their journeys supports us joy and love affection.


Tuesday 9/5/2012 student’s educational institution Colombia could not make the final of soccer because the court of inder was flooded by heavy rain which had fallen the previous day.

WEDNESDAY 17.04.2012 missing a few minutes before going, restful grade men 10-01 ° and 9-03 ° were preparing to play a game of volleyball in which won a tenth grade students

WEDNESDAY 17.04.2012 missing a few minutes before going, restful grade men 10-01 ° and 9-03 ° were preparing to play a game of volleyball in which won a tenth grade students
19/04/2012 Thursday the 11 ° grade students that make up the group played volleyball against students in grades 10-01 °, in which the degree of 10-01 ° lost, party hard 00:30 minutes.

Tuesday 9/5/2012 student’s educational institution Colombia could not make the final of soccer because the court of inder was flooded by heavy rain which had fallen the previous day.

1: sonia lopez daza  
2: franquelina roldan
3: antonieta hoyos
4: madeleyne botero
5: luis horacio gomez
6: patricia herrera
7: jhonny andres perez
8: marina restrepo
9: hernan buitrago
10: alfonso perez
11: belinda guzman
12: ramiro serna
13: alberto perez
14: janeth rivera
15: melva rodriguez montoya
16: marta lucia restrepo
17: juan david gomez
18: mercy duran 
19: shirley maryori pabon
20: jhonny perez
21: alejandro chicangana
22: elber valencia perez


with the collaboration of the students at our institution was made a mural based on the environment and for this we need the cooperation of all to the wall is provided lids plastic containers of soft drinks, limpid, spirits ... among others, as many students did not collaborate with the ideal project teachers agreed and students to collaborate with fifty caps of any color which earned a note to tell and onces degrees in social sciences, chemistry, mathematics and artistic.

the educational institution intends to Colombia for 2015 to be positioned as the best institution in the municipality of Girardot, achieving graduates to lead the social, productive, business, cultural, and administrative basis of an integrated human society.

the educational institution Colombia official character, attached to the municipality of Girardot antiouqia department provides pre-school, basic primary, secondary basic, and half academic, science seeks to build on the joy and respect for people components from being, feel and act travez of cultural and administrative business processes based on an integrated human formation.